Karnival TV
Karnval es una serie de animacion que consta de 10 episodios muy cortitos, estos estan escritos, dirigidos, y diseñados por Jun seo Hahm.
Toca/Galería es de las pocas galerías, en la Ciudad de México, que rescatan el amor por la estética en el mundo plástico.
Localizada en la Colonia Roma, Toca/Galería representa tanto a artistas nacionales como internacionales, y se caracteriza por la búsqueda de la plasticidad creativa de los artistas representados.
Una pequeña muestra de la obra de artistas de Toca/Galería, vale la pena que se den una vuelta por la pagina .......
(click sobre las imagenes para verlas en formato grande)
Jordi Boldó (España)
Mixta sobre tela
Robert Polidori (Canadá)
Javier Peláez (México)
Oleo sobre tela
Imagenes e Información
Adios POLAROID....
Triste pero cierto .......... la compañia pionera en fotografia instantanea POLAROID ha dejado de fabricar sus iconicas camaras y films ....... ADIOS POLAROID
"The American-based firm has confirmed that it has stopped making its instant film and expects supplies to run out completely in 2009. The announcement has sparked a sales run on the cult cameras with enthusiasts rushing to snap up remaining supplies. Polaroid is closing factories in Massachusetts, Mexico and the Netherlands with the loss of more than 450 jobs and will belatedly focus on producing digital cameras, portable printers for mobile phones, TVs and DVD players. Polaroid has already stopped making the cameras. "We are trying to reinvent Polaroid so it lives on for the next 30 to 40 years," said Tom Beaudoin, the firm's president and chief financial officer."
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Especial EMO......love sucks!!!!
Para terminar con broche de oro.....algo totalmente fuera de tema ....pero me vle un pito, es de las mejores escenas de inicio en la historia del cine...PUNTO !
This is how I feel when I'm brutally wasted .....
y como nuke fucking bomb.....exploto y me quedo tirado ......
Hail to Major KONG !!!!!
en honor a ......Metallica
Pues con la euforia generada por el concierto ....solo puedo postear este videin....
NOTA: por favor vean como empieza LARS ......es hermoso
Nice quotes.....from nice movies....
Eurotrip (2004)
Hooligan: So I tell the swamp donkey to sock it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and have her lick me yarbles! [laughs]
Cooper: Wow. You guys are on a completely different level of swearing here.
Mad Maynard: Fuck off! Get out of it, you wankers! Go on, you Gallic fucking garlic-breath tossers! Piss off! Get in here and say that, mate! Come on! Fucking come and have it! You fucking beep? We'll beep, you bastard, all over your fucking nose! Fuck off! Go on, you French bastards! Get on the other side of the road, you pricks! Go on out of it! Fuck off! I'm knackered.
Talladega Nights (2006)
Cal Naughton, Jr.: I like to picture Jesus as a figure skater. He wears like a white outfit, and He does interpretive ice dances of my life's journey.
Texas Ranger: The teacher asked me what was the capital of North Carolina. I said Washington, D.C.
Cal Naughton, Jr.: Bingo.
Ricky Bobby: Nice.
Texas Ranger: She said "No, you're wrong." I said "You got a lumpy butt." She got mad at me and yelled at me and I pissed in my pants and I never did change my pee-pants all day. I'm still sittin' in my dirty pee-pants.
Cal Naughton, Jr.: I wet my bed until I was nineteen. There's no shame in that. --------------------------------------------------------------
Cal Naughton, Jr.: I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party.
Snatch (2000)
Avi: Should I call you Bullet? Tooth?
Bullet Tooth Tony: You can call me Susan if it makes you happy.
Bullet Tooth Tony: You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity. --------------------------------------------------------------
Turkish: You take sugar?
Brick Top: No thank you, Turkish; I'm sweet enough. --------------------------------------------------------------
Vinny: I thought you said he was a getaway driver. What the fuck can he get away from, eh?
Trainspotting (1996)
Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: We would have injected vitamin C if only they had made it illegal! --------------------------------------------------------------
Swanney: Ah, hard currency. Thank you, Sir. Can't be too careful these days. Would Sir care for a starter of some garlic bread perhaps?
Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: No, thank you. I will proceed directly to the intravenous injection of hard drugs, please.
Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: People think it's all about misery and desperation and death and all that shit which is not to be ignored, but what they forget is the pleasure of it. Otherwise we wouldn't do it. After all, we're not fucking stupid. At least, we're not that fucking stupid. --------------------------------------------------------------
Begbie: [In Renton's head, under his bedsheets] Well, this is a good fucking laugh, ain't it? You sweat that shite out of your system. 'Cause if I come back and it's still here... I'll fucking kick it out. Okay?
24 Hour Party People (2002)
Tony Wilson: I'm a minor player in my own life story.
Tony Wilson: And tonight something equally epoch-making is taking place. See? They're applauding the DJ. Not the music, not the musician, not the creator, but the medium. This is it. The birth of rave culture. The beatification of the beat. The dance age. This is the moment when even the white man starts dancing. Welcome to Manchester.
Martin Hannett: Well, this is goodbye. I mean, we obviously have nothing in common. I'm a genius, you're all fucking wankers. You'll never see me again. You don't deserve to see me again.
Bez: Can I offer anybody like the best drug experience they ever had?
Yvette: And what do you do?
Tony Wilson: How do you mean?
Yvette: You know, your job?
Tony Wilson: Well, I'm Tony Wilson.